What could be a better way to start off Advent in Neumz than with a new update of our app that will bring more richness and expression to the scores we propose?
We begin the time of preparation, waiting, and hope with an update of our app that will bring more guidance and expressiveness when singing with our scores. In this Neumz update, the sangallense notation and the Laon manuscript will accompany the square notation, the neumes will give a new and very inspiring breath to the square notes. Neumz will now be more Neumz than ever before.
Let’s remember that the neumatic notation appeared to diffuse the Gregorian repertoire and that the first manuscript testimonies that we have are from the 9th century, even though the origin of the notation is probably from earlier dates. The ‘neumes’ are signs that accompany the text in chant manuscripts and give indications of the melodic-rhythmic order as well as providing other expressive nuances. The name of our project derives from this term, neuma, which at the same time originates from the Greek word pneuma, which means the breath. We added a z at the end of NeumZ to give it a novel touch, a fresh air blowing in the way of presenting the Gregorian repertoire in the 21st century. Science and technology at the service of spirituality: with this update, the Neumz team wishes to complete the original idea of compiling the entire Gregorian repertoire, Mass and Office, as chanted in the abbeys of Jouques and Le Barroux by adding the spirit of the ancient notations to promulgate it to all the faithful and lovers of Gregorian chant throughout the world. Neumz brings together the spirituality of chant in the liturgy, the contemplation of the Word enlivened by the voices of Benedictine monks and nuns who pray every day. It also shows the latest scientific advances that allow us to present in one project: audio recordings, very precise synchronizations, the Latin text, and its translations, as well as the manuscript tradition.
The Neumz project continues working and devising. The only limits we set ourselves are our dreams, we give free rein to our inspiration and to the inspiration we receive to make Neumz an essential tool for all those who wish to pray, meditate, deepen, and contemplate the sacred chant of the Church, or simply approach the Gregorian chant to discover or study it.
May all our users receive and fully enjoy this update as a gift from the Neumz team in this Advent 2024.