During Lent, the Liturgy goes beyond the scope of liturgical celebrations with Gregorian chant.

Man glorifies God and continues his work beyond the temple, above all, through those who participate and prepare ardently for Easter. One thing that is fundamental in all these faith practices, rites, and celebrations, and worth mentioning, is the importance of sacred song, the pleading voice of man to his Lord.
Lent is characterized by placing at the service and in the function of the Liturgy, the chant that par excellence has primacy in the Church: Gregorian chant. Thanks to this chant of the Roman Rite, we will always be able to intone a worthy prayer, to be sung and prayed at the appropriate moment, whether it be with Mass XVIII, the Pange Lingua during a Holy Hour, the Attende Domine or the litaniae Lauretanae and the Ave Regina caelorum in the spiritual exercises or penitential liturgies. Taking into consideration that the Alleluia and Gloria are not sung during Lent.
In addition, we mentioned previously that the Liturgy with Gregorian chant “goes beyond the scope of celebrations,’ we mean that some practices are not carried out in the liturgical context, but rather as manifestations of popular piety, since in these traditional practices of faith Gregorian chant is also prayed: in the Holy Rosary, Stations of the Cross, penitential pilgrimages, and novenas.
With popular piety, Gregorian chant is also used as a sign of lamentation with the desire to be heard by God. The elevation of the voice in supplication, in a simple and unifying way, nourishes the soul and leads one to his or her desert. Also, the hymns that are sung in Latin during the processions are of deep fervor, because in their creation they have the word of God impregnated, something that connects us closely to the pilgrimage of Jesus in the desert and as people of God making us see with hope the coming Easter. It is a miracle that originates and overflows from the source and summit, the Paschal Mystery, and from the Gregorian chant that serves the Sacred Liturgy.